Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Ms. Daredevil

Whew... the last two weeks have been pretty long. It's been trying but we're getting through in mini strides and God is definitely teaching me something about being a mom... patients galore... and I don't have any.

Nevaeh's nap sleep was messed up when the schedule changed from summer to school and when she teethed. Now she isn't falling asleep for nap time on her own. So it's been a long two weeks trying to get her back into a routine and get rejuvenated with sleep. Whew....

She's also becoming quite the daredevil. Sunday she had herself pulled up on her "jail cell", turned toward the chair (2 feet away), completely let go and went for it. It was great, though she fell flat on her face, but a great attempt none the less. She hasn't done that again but she has been letting go and standing on her own for about 2 seconds. She's going to be walking in no time and I'm still adjusting to her crawling! 

Her personality is growing everyday and it is so neat to see her learn. We are just starting redirection which can be described as training but that sounds to much like a dog. She is learning what a phrase means, such as "Nevaeh, we do not play with that" and she listens! She's such a smart girl. We are also teaching her sign language and are super excited to see her first sign. 

Jason makes her smile by singing songs with his own words. He's very talented and I keep telling him we should record them for her! It's not an easy thing to do and he's amazingly good at it!

All in all, things are always going with her and everyday has challenges, but we're growing as a family and learning to go with the flow. God has blessed us!

Grandma Val got a new toy! Ride 'em cow girl!

She loves to sit on her lion walker thingy.

playtime with hudson

we tried shoes on for the first time. she's so cute!

Go Hoover!

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