Monday, April 4, 2011

You know you're a parent when...

I have had a lot of moments this last week where I thought, 'only a parent..'.

You know you're a parent when you....

~~say, "Look a school bus (and point)" and then realize there is no one else in the car.
~~start to sway back and forth... and there's no baby in your arms. (this has been realized many times! and people have caught me on this :)  )
~~sing to yourself, "Jesus loves me this i know..."
~~start dancing, or at least bobbing your head, to any music
~~realize you cut your sandwiches in triangles
~~get a sippy cup for yourself
~~And the most recent, You look in your back yard and think the yard looks more complete with a swing set

If you have your own you want to share, please do!!

And now the pictures!

The "new" bed. This is how we found her sleeping one of the first times sleeping in it. 

"Whoa, mom, enough pictures!" I had just taken 20 pics of him, literally.

We are still working on the smile! But Nevaeh seems to have her own little goofball-cheesy smile. Which is perfectly fine. We will have a good laugh when she gets older. 

Mommy and son.

Mommy and kids! Nevaeh was concentrating on the screen where she could see us.

And this is the new swing set that completes our yard! Well, its not really new, but it is to us! Thanks to the Greens we have a wonderful swing set, and for free!!!!!!

She's flying!

Going up the slide...

... down the slide!

These are chocolate chip cookies with a hint of peanut butter. Just sub in one egg for a 1/4 cup of peanut butter and you have choco chip cookies with a hint of peanut butter! I was experimenting because I don't like peanut butter cookies and jason wanted some. So i compromised! they are wonderful!

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